China has indicted Jackie Chan's son on a drug charge that could land him in prison for up to three years.

Jaycee Chan faces the charge of sheltering others to use drugs, according to the Associated Press. Prosecutors from Beijing's Dongcheng District announced the indictment in a one-line statement on Monday, but did not mention the date of Jaycee's trial.

Beijing police picked up the 32-year-old Chan at his apartment with Taiwanese movie star Ko Kai in August. Both tested positive for marijuana and admitted to using the drug. The police also confiscated 100 grams (3.5 ounces) of pot from Jaycee's home.

Jaycee's arrest in August and subsequent indictment comes after Chinese President Xi Jinping declared a strict crack down on illegal drugs, starting in June. More than 7,800 people were detained in Beijing alone and police targeted celebrities because of "their influence over the public," according to the AP.

Jackie thanked his fans for their care and concern at the time of his son's arrest. Beijing named the Hong Kong superstar as an anti-drug ambassador in 2009.

"When I first heard the news, I was absolutely enraged," the elder Chan wrote on his blog. The two had a strained relationship for a long time. "As a public figure, I feel very ashamed; as his dad, I'm very sad and disappointed."

Beijing police have kept Jaycee detained since August because of the serious charge against him. Ko (real name Ko Chen-tung) testified on camera that he used drugs in Jaycee's home and was released after a 14-day administrative detention for drug use.

Jaycee was born in Los Angeles and attended the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia for two semesters. He moved to Hong Kong in 2003. He has appeared in several films and has put out three albums.