An Ohio man used the props at his disposal to build an elaborate nativity scene for the Christmas season, but his recreation of the birth of Jesus Christ may not stand much longer.

Jasen Dixon included the usual suspects from a typical nativity scene, but they were all made of zombie and skeleton props. He brought home leftover items from the 13 Rooms of Doom haunted house he manages to outfit the display.

"I wanted a nativity scene and I worked with what I had," Dixon told Fox 19 News.

Some in his small community have disapproved of the display. He also faces orders to remove his unique manger scene, but not for its ghoulish take on the holy event.

Sycamore Township has cited zoning violations on the 10 to 12 feet wide and about five feet deep structure. "This is no different than having a garden shed in your front yard," Township Administrator Greg Bickford told

Bickford insisted the "township is not anti-zombie or anti-nativity." The town strictly wants Dixon to remove the structure and clean the property of any debris.

Dixon received his first notice to remove debris from his yard on Dec. 9. He received a second notice for the removal of the structure on Dec. 18. If he did not address the violations within seven days, he would face legal action.

The manger has proved a hit with zombie fans, but not with some of Dixon's neighbors and own family members.

"My father hates it and anything bad that happens he blames it on that," Dixon told Fox 19. "On the average we probably get 30 or 40 cars stop and taking pictures, getting out with their camera. People that follow zombie movies and stuff like that love it."

Another neighbor had a more open mind about the display. He believes Dixon has the right of free speech to display his Christian affiliation any way he wants.

"I didn't really pay it any attention until the different color lights came on, then finally the baby was put in the manger," neighbor Dan Fluker told Fox 19. "I think it's a little too much, but, no, it doesn't offend me."

Dixon claims on the nativity scene's Facebook page that the display is the "world's first zombie nativity scene."