In an interesting twist on the typical revenge fantasy, and also borrowing a page or two from the popular films "Napoleon Dynamite" and "Revenge of the Nerds," we have the rather sublime "The Incredible Hulk Hands." It is a short film by Ari Fararooy about a nerd who finds a pair of magical toy Hulk Hands and seeks retribution after being severely "wedgied" by some (not so threatening looking, quite honestly) bullies. The short stars the sketch comedy troupes "The Jasons" and "Momma Outta Bullets."

Hulk Hands are toy gloves that came out a few years back that give the wearer the meaty paws of the Marvel comic book character "The Incredible Hulk." The hands are a cool toy...for about an hour then kids get bored with them. If the hands did what is depicted here they would be infinitely cooler for sure.

I've pretty much given away the entire plot, but I haven't really spoiled anything, as the whimsy is in the execution. Everything from the cinematography to the music to the acting works very well here, resulting in a fun, and funny, little film. Thanks to Comic Book Resources for the heads up.

Check out "The Incredible Hulk Hands" below: