I've discussed at length the issues with the Washington Redskins. From dysfunction to mismanagement to laughable on-field play, the Redskins always seemed to be marred in drama and ineptitude. The franchise has fallen on hard times and stayed there ever since Dan Snyder bought the team in 1999.

One of the reasons Washington has failed to break its cycle of self-inflicted wounds is a lack of leadership and vision in the front office. Former head honcho Vinny Cerrato was Snyder's own personal Yes-Man, while current general manager Bruce Allen can't tell the difference between X's and O's. I mentioned a few possible additions the Redskins could make to help sure up their front office, and it looks as if they're finally ready to make some necessary changes.

A.J. Smith, the former GM of the San Diego Chargers and current senior executive for the Redskins, is expected to be offered an expanded position in Washington's front office, ESPN reports.

Allen will remain as the team's president and GM, but Smith is going to be asked to be more involved with football decisions, and that is a good thing. This is the same guy who drafted Drew Brees and Philip Rivers; who identified basketball player Antonio Gates as a possible NFL tight end. Sure, Smith may have squabbled with a few coaches along the way, but he has a proven track record in personnel evaluation.

Smith's name has popped up in relation to a few other positions. He would have been hired as the Oakland Raiders' GM had the team been able to recruit Jon Gruden as head coach, according to ESPN.

Smith's current contract with the Redskins ends at the end of this month. It is expected that a new deal will be worked out over the next few weeks to reflect his changing position.

Redskins fans should be excited. The team is finally entrusting football decisions to people with actual football backgrounds. It's a good first step.