Pretty people get to eat for free at a restaurant in central China, according to The Telegraph.

A Korean restaurant, The Jeju Island, located in the city of Zhengzhou had advertised that the 50 most attractive people to visit each day will get a free meal. A panel of local plastic surgeons determines which customers get to partake of the free feast.

Customers are taken to a "beauty identification area" and photographed. The plastic surgeons judge on faces, eyes, noses and mouths, but protruding foreheads give a particular advantage, according to The Telegraph.

A bright pink sign outside the restaurant read, "Free meal for Goodlooking," in English, but the restaurant was forced to remove it on Tuesday, according to The Telegraph, since the owner did not have permission to hang the bright, and some would say gaudy, sign. Authorities were also concerned that the promotion would taint the city's image.

Restaurant manager Xue Hexin said, "We will be more prudent with our advertising in future, but the promotion will continue despite the demolition of our sign."