I vividly recall the first time I saw a "Dragon Ball Z" cartoon.

It was 1996. A friend of mine who owned a video game/comic book store somehow had a VHS copy of the Japanese (not dubbed or subtitled or anything) version. This tape contained six hours of some of the most over-the-top, insane fights and action sequences that I had ever seen in my life. I had seen a good many of the classic anime films of that time ("Akira," "Ghost in the Shell," etc.) and grew up on "Star Blazers," "Speed Racer" and "Ultraman," so I was in no way a stranger to Japanese/anime stylized action.

But "Dragon Ball Z" totally blew my mind. Even though I did not understand one single word of what the characters were saying...I still watched all six hours of that tape. A couple times.

I hadn't really thought about that tape until I came across this most impressive video today because it truly evokes the best of those hyper-kinetic "DBZ" battles that I watched waaay back in 1996. As noted on Kotaku (via NicoNico), the animation is a solo work, created by a 19-year-old in Guangzhou, China.

Watch it below and be sure to hang in until its bloody conclusion...and I dare you not to say, "But this isn't even my final form!" at least once during its four minute run time: