Dalton Hayes, one of the 'Bonnie And Clyde' teens that was found sleeping on a beach in Florida after an alleged two-week crime spree across the south, has agreed to be extradited to Kentucky to be prosecuted, ABC News reported on Monday.

Hayes, 18, disappeared two weeks ago with his girlfriend Cheyenne Phillips, 13, and signed a waiver in a Flordia jail that will allow authorities to send him home to Kentucky to face charges.

The two allegedly stole multiple vehicles, forged checks and eluded arrest. His next court appearance is Feb. 6, so police in Kentucky have up until that time to pick them up.

Cheyenne and Hayes were found sleeping in a stolen 2001 Toyota Tundra that was likely picked up in Georgia. Hayes is said to have told Tammy Martin, Hayes' mother, that he loves Cheyenne and is ready to come home and face the consequences.

Neither have been charged with any crimes at this time, but Hayes is expected to face criminal trespassing, criminal mischief, theft and burglary charges.

The short crime spree began on Jan. 4 when the teens stole a truck and crashed it into a cattle farm fence, causing thousands of dollars in auto and property damage. They then stole a 2006 Toyota Tacoma and cashed checks that they found in the truck at a Walmart in South Carolina. That car was then abandoned and they stole a third truck, which they were caught in at the beach.

Cheyenne allegedly passed herself off as 19 to Hayes' family. Cheyenne's estranged mother, Sherry Peters, said she plans to be more present in her daughter's life now, USA Today reported.

"We're going to do our best ... to help her through the troubles that she has probably has gotten into out there and get her back to her 13-year-old normal-age life," she said.