'Mythbusters': Classic Video Game 'DOOM' to Be Featured in Upcoming Episode (WATCH IT)

The Discovery Channel's "Mythbusters" has always been a show that's entertained me. I never go out of my way to watch it, really, but if it's on I find myself sucked into it.

Now, it seems the long-running "reality" show will be focusing on something that is near and dear to my heart: video games. In an upcoming, special episode, id Software's Tim Willits will be helping hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman tackle an oft-discussed topic of first person shooter games: Would it really be possible for someone to lug around all those health packs, guns, and even a chainsaw? Using the "DOOM" universe and "DOOM 3 BFG Edition" as a reference, Tim helps the team recreate a "DOOM" level in real life.

Hopefully, Jamie will get fragged by a Cacodemon or Hell Knight because he annoys me to no end.

Catch the episode on Discovery on Saturday, Jan. 31 at 9/8c. And after watching the cool teaser trailer below, I know I'll be tuning in for sure:

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