2014 was a notable year. With the release of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the Yosemite update to the iOS, iPad Air 2 and the announcement of the Apple Watch, Apple has had a good year. However, what about its income? How did such developments do for Apple economically?

According to the latest report, it went fantastically. Apple released its financial results for the fiscal first quarter on Tuesday. The company made over 74.6 billion in the first quarter and had a record quarterly net profit of 18 billion. This is a major increase (about 46 percent) compared to its profit in the first quarter of 2014, when it made 57.6 billion and a net profit of 13.1 billion.

A large portion of the profit came from increased revenue from iPhone and Mac sales. Apple sold over 74.5 million iPhones in that quarter, a clear sign that people were interested in what the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus offered. Apple also sold 5.5 million Macs, a standard amount. The only negative element is the iPad's sales numbers, which were down to 21 million, a 17 percent decrease from last year, the report revealed.

Shareholders made $3.01 per share, which brought Apple stock up to $119 a share. This is an all-time high for Apple. Apple is now up 9 percent in pretrading, a significant shift in the few hours since Apple released its report, according to Business Insider. The increased income was enough to encourage investors to pursue investing more options into Apple.

It was a good quarter for Apple though some investors are worried that the higher sales will lead to a significant decrease in sales in the second quarter. It's currently impossible at this time to predict if this claim will be true, but investors should watch the numbers to see if Apple's latest profit will benefit them in any way.