"Girls Meets World" has slowly integrated the characters from "Boy Meets World" into the show over the first season, and they will welcome a few more in season two.

Trina McGee, who played Shawn's (Rider Strong) on-again, off-again girlfriend Angela, will guest star next season along with Blake Clark, who played Shawn's late father, according to ETonline.

Shawn lost his father in season six of "Boy Meets World" and broke up with Angela when she decided to go to Europe at the end of the ABC series. "Girl Meets World" executive producer Michael Jacobs wanted to continue exploring Shawn's life of tough breaks.

"We know that [Shawn's] relationship with Angela Moore was a very important relationship to the audience, but we also know something more which is that with Shawn, nothing good ever really happened to him," Jacobs told ETonline.

The writers decided to revisit the love story of Shawn and Angela to see what their "two and half year relationship" means now since "Boy Meets World" left the air in 2000. Each lost a lot in their lives, which caused their problems with commitment.

"He lost his father, he lost his mother, he lost his girlfriend," Jacobs said. "She left him, and her rationale for leaving him was that she had a mother who had left her. That plagued so deeply in [Angela] that she never thought that she would be a good parent, a good wife, a good anything, but clearly she cared very deeply for Shawn."

Although Chet died of a heart attack, Shawn continued to see him in his memories and his subconscious after his death. Clark will return in this capacity when he appears on "Girl Meets World."

The episode with McGee and Clark will also welcome William Russ back to the show, but this time as director. Russ, who played Cory's (Ben Savage) father Alan, guest-starred earlier this season with his TV wife Betsy Randle, who plays Amy, and Uriah Shelton, who plays Cory's younger brother Josh.

"Girl Meets World" airs on Fridays at 8:30 p.m. on Disney Channel.