A Pennsylvania teenager has been charged with a heinous crime where he allegedly killed a classmate, took a selfie with the body and posted it on Snapchat, WPXI-TV reported.

Maxwell Morton, 16, was ordered to be held without bail Friday after he was charged with criminal homicide and possession of a firearm by a minor, which he allegedly used to shoot and kill 16-year-old Ryan Mangan at the victim's home in Jeannette, Pennsylvania, last Wednesday.

After shooting Mangan in the face, Morton stood in front of the victim's body and took a picture, which he sent to an unidentified person via the photo and video-sharing app Snapchat, Jeannette police told WPXI-TV.

Morton then sent a chilling message to the receiver, according to a police affidavit obtained by the station.

"Told you I cleaned up the shells," Morton allegedly sent. "Ryan was not the last one."

The mother of the person Morton sent Snapchats to contacted Jeannette police on Thursday.

Police recovered the disturbing image, which "depicted the victim sitting in the chair with a gunshot wound to the face," the affidavit reads.

"It also depicts a black male taking the selfie with his face facing the camera and the victim behind the actor. The photo had the name 'Maxwell' across the top."

Police also conducted a search warrant and found a 9mm handgun, which Morton allegedly confessed to using to shoot Mangan.

A motive for the killing was not immediately clear. Mangan's fellow Jeannette High School classmates said he was a fun, easygoing person who liked to make people laugh.

"There needs to be justice for him," Joscelyn Elias told the station, "and I hope and I pray for his mom every night because I couldn't imagine."