A North Carolina doctor has been temporarily banned from practicing medicine after three of the babies he delivered died, the Greenville News reported.

The state Medical Board issued the ban against Dr. John David Hayes, an obstetrician in Asheville, on Feb. 25 after receiving reports of three fatalities during home births performed by Hayes, which he specializes in.

"The babies died either during childbirth or shortly thereafter," according to board documents obtained by the Greenville News.

It was not immediately clear how the babies died or how the North Carolina Medical Board received the information.

But according to an unnamed expert who reviewed Hayes' conduct in the three cases, his diagnosis and treatment was "below the standard of practice and care for doctors practicing in North Carolina," according to the Greenville News.

In the meantime, the board is combing over the babies' medical records to determine if disciplinary charges are warranted against Hayes, who received a state license to practice medicine in 2002. The board could choose not to purse any action.

Hayes voluntarily entered the agreement and is not to deliver any babies until a hearing is scheduled. If he does, he risks having his license suspended.

The doctor was not available for comment, the newspaper reported.