A Nevada hospital is under investigation after it sent two deceased fetuses to a laundry facility earlier this week, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

The twin fetuses were discovered wrapped in linen inside a laundry truck Tuesday morning by workers at the Angelica Corporation in Henderson, Nevada. A Clark County coroner performed an autopsy and determined the fetuses, 16 weeks old, died of natural causes after a miscarriage, the newspaper reported.

Because no foul play was involved in their deaths, there most likely won't be a criminal investigation. But Henderson police and the Bureau of Health Care Quality and Compliance are still looking into how Spring Valley Hospital Medical Center sent the fetuses to the laundry facility.

The hospital said Tuesday the fetuses arrived at the medical center after a woman suffered a miscarriage.

"After suffering a miscarriage at another location, the patient arrived via EMS with twin, early gestational, deceased fetuses," the hospital told the Review-Journal.

"The fetuses had already been wrapped in linen prior to arrival at the hospital."

Fetuses at 16 weeks are barely 5 inches long and have eyes and ears, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Angelica Corp. workers called Henderson police after the remains were discovered in the laundry shipment at around 10 a.m. Hospital officials could not immediately say who was responsible for the shipment.