While most people tend to carry keys with them, they're rather inconvenient, especially when you use a lock to store a bike or some books and you lose the key. What can you do? That's what one startup wants to fix.

Quicklock is a new locking device that can only be unlocked by an app or NFC-enabled phone accessory, according to CNET. The device comes in four different colors and looks like a normal lock. However, it's missing a few features; namely a keyslot or any numbers. If a user wants to unlock the device, they'll have to tap it with their smartphone or access it via an app.

The one catch is that the padlock is battery powered, which means if the battery ever dies, users won't be able to unlock it until they recharge the batteries. However, that could just stop users from using their phone to activate the lock. While the device is battery powered, the NFC chip doesn't require such a charge. The presence of the NFC could allow users to "tap" the lock with a NFC-powered phone accessory (such as a keychain or other device) and open the lock when there isn't power. It's unclear at this moment.

Quicklock is currently making its new padlock available on its website. Consumers can buy one lock and one keycard accessory for $79. The device has an unusually long shipping time of 30-45 days.

This isn't the first phone-powered lock, though. Developers have been experimenting with a Bluetooth-powered lock for a long time. However, Bluetooth consumes significantly more battery life than an NFC-enabled device and wouldn't be as reliable or as useful.