A Brazilian college student died after consuming 25 vodka shots in just one minute, according to The Mirror.

Humberto Moura Fonseca, 23, and a group of friends were participating in an impromptu drinking competition to see who could down 25 shots in 60 seconds. Fonseca drank the shots, but soon complained of feeling ill right before he suddenly collapsed, according to a friend who attended the party at Julio de Mesquita University in the Brazilian city of Bauru.

"On his Facebook there's a quote, a motto, from the Russian poet Vladimir Maiakovski which says 'It is better to die from vodka than from boredom,' " Rodrigo Pancetti, 23, told The Mirror of Fonseca.

"I never thought that would become reality."

Partygoers called an ambulance and Fonseca was rushed to the hospital, but he died on the way. Six other students, including the competition winner, were treated for alcohol poisoning after the Feb. 28 party.

Three weeks later, three of the students are still being treated in the intensive care unit, a hospital spokeswoman told The Mirror.

Law enforcement said it has arrested two students accused of organizing the game without a license. They could also be charged with homicide, police said.

Julio de Mesquita University officials expressed their condolences for the student's death and reiterated the school's policy on drinking.

"We very much regret the death of this young man and our condolences go out to his family and friends," a university spokesman told The Mirror.

"We would like to remind students that drinking alcohol in the university is banned."