A Colorado girl was taken into custody after she allegedly tried poisoning her mother because she took away her iPhone, Fox 31 Denver reported.

Boulder County sheriffs say the unnamed 12-year-old tried and failed twice to kill her mother by poisoning her with bleach. She is being held at the county Juvenile Center following her Friday arrest on two counts of attempted murder.

Police say the girl's first attempt on her mother's life came March 2. The mother noticed the smell of bleach coming from her smoothie but did not think much of it.

"She thought that her daughter had maybe just cleaned the glass and that there was still bleach left in it," Commander Heidi Prentup told Fox 31. "Then she started feeling sick."

A few days later the mother detected the smell of bleach coming from her water container and confronted her daughter.

"Her daughter told her that she was trying to kill her for taking her iPhone," Prentup said.

Sheriffs were alerted to the alleged poisoning on March 6 when the mother called them from Boulder Community Hospital, according to ABC News. Police said Saturday the mother is no longer in the hospital and is doing fine.

Commenting on the situation, another Boulder County mother told Fox 31 she sometimes takes her kids' cellphones away, but for a child to resort to murder is "an outrageous reaction."

"It sounds like the situation was probably out of hand before that," Luciana Cordova added.