The mother of convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has one message for the nation that found her son guilty last Wednesday of all 30 federal charges he was accused of: the U.S. "will pay," according to the Russian news website

In rage-filled messages originally posted on the Russian social media site VKontakte, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva maintained her 21-year-old son's innocence and slammed the U.S. for finding him guilty for his role in the April 2013 bombing that killed three people and wounded over 250, a conviction that carries a possible death penalty.

"They will pay for my sons and the sons of Islam, permanently!!!" the mother wrote in all capital letters in Russian, according to

"I will never forget it," Tsarnaeva continues. "May god bless those who helped my son. The terrorists are the Americans and everyone knows it. My son is the best of the best."

A massive manhunt ensued for days after Tsarnaev and his older brother Tamerlan, detonated two bombs made from pressure cookers that led to over a dozen people losing their limbs. Tamerlan was killed in a police shootout and his younger brother was later arrested.

But for Tsarnaeva, it's the U.S. who committed atrocities against her sons and her religion.

"Today they are killing muslims, and tomorrow will come your turn and he who doubts this is deeply mistaken," she wrote according to

"My sons are innocent, as innocent as all those who are being killed by your country," the mother wrote.

Her son's fate now lies with the jury, which convenes on April 21 to decide on a sentence of life in prison or death.