When Apple announced the new Macbook at its April event, many were really impressed with the technological innovation behind the device.

Not only did Apple minimize extra space and maximize battery space, but the designers also incorporated the next stage of the USB port; USB-C. While this port was a significant upgrade on USB technology, Apple's decision to only install one port in the new 12-inch Macbook aggravated many users and critics. Users would have to disconnect the device from its power source if they wanted to connect any kind of accessory to it.

However, one designer felt that this was unacceptable and that he needed to do something to fix it. Tech startup InfiniteUSB recently launched a Kickstarter campaign for a device that would allow users to connect multiple USB-C wires to a single USB-C port. InfiniteUSB describes the device as "an open chain of USB ports, granting an unlimited supply of open slots!" The wire's connecting outlet has both a USB-C input and USB-C output.

This will allow users to plug an additional USB-C wire into the computer without having to remove them. While the cable is compatible with all USB-C devices, it's most useful when users are connecting InfiniteUSB-C wires onto InfiniteUSB-C wires, thus giving you the potential of an "infinite" amount of wires. InfiniteUSB wires are compatible with iOS, Android and tablet devices.

InfiniteUSB has experimented with a similar device in the past. The company introduced a similar device that used a basic USB port in 2010. The idea behind InfiniteUSB seems like a really useful function for smaller computers with a limited number of ports, like Chromebooks. However, the InfiniteUSB-C seems like it would be far more practical for Macbook users because of Apple's decision to use the USB-C port to provide power as well as connectivity.

Customers can pre-order their very own InfiniteUSB cord with either a USB or USB-C port. A single cord comes with a Lightning, MicroUSB or female USB port and connector. A single InfiniteUSB cord costs $14, and can be purchased in a variety of colors. A pack of five InfiniteUSB adaptors costs $60, with a variety of options for customizing at an additional cost.

InfiniteUSB hopes to ship its new device out by Summer 2015.