New Zealand Prime Minister John Key Accused of Bullying by Waitress, Offers Apology

The Prime Minister of New Zealand learned a practical lesson about bullying when a waitress accused him of doing so over a six-month period.

Prime Minister John Key did not realize he was being obnoxious during his visits and has apologized to the unnamed waitress, Reuters reported.

Key said in an interview with reporters during his stopover in Los Angeles that he often visited the cafe near his home in Auckland and had a "fun relationship" with the staff.

The waitress, on the other hand, said in her blog that she became annoyed when Key kept pulling her hair every time he visits.

She referred to the NZ Prime Minister as a "school yard bully tugging on the little girl's hair trying to get a reaction, experiencing that power over her."

It was only in March that the waitress confronted the NZ Prime Minister about the offensive hair-pulling. She said that with his apology, Key brought her two bottles of red wine.

"...I realized she had actually taken offence because it was all in the context of a bit of banter that was going on and so I obviously immediately apologized for that," Key said.

New zealand, Bullying, Anti-bullying
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