Two people are injured after two separate shootings in Ferguson, Mo. - one on Tuesday night and another on Wednesday morning.

The first shooting occurred near the intersection of West Florissant and Canfield, close to the site of protests held over the death of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, who was shot by a white police officer last year. CBS St. Louis affiliate KMOV-TV reported the man was shot in the leg before running into a Chinese restaurant to get help. An ambulance was called and the man was taken to a hospital.

According to the Daily Express, witnesses reported "guys in a random truck" firing at protesters. One person at the demonstration reported hearing 22 gunshots.

According to the St. Louis Post Dispatch, an individual was taken into custody and police at the scene recovered a gun. The shooting has not been definitively linked to the protests.

According to CBS St. Louis affiliate KMOV-TV, St. Louis Alderman Antonio French reported that someone else had been shot in the neck on Canfield Drive around 12:20 a.m. local time. That individual was taken by car to a hospital.

Early on Wednesday, witnesses reported people in a crowd blocking streets and throwing rocks at police officers while more gunfire was heard.