This Oklahoma woman got revenge on her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend in one of the most unheard of ways.

Shaynna Lauren Sims was caught red handed in a Tusla funeral home leaning into her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's casket, defacing the corpse, reported FOX 23.

Sims reportedly smudged the dead woman's makeup and cut her hair and face. She was caught by the deceased victim's mother.

After the crime Sims fled the scene and went to the victim's house. She was let inside the home by the victim's brother, who was under the impression that Sims was collecting jewlery for the victim's funeral, reported FOX 23.

The victim's mother called the police after Sims fled the funeral home. When Sims was arrested police found a knife with the victim's hair on it and a box cutter with the victim's makeup, tying her to the crime.

Officials have not pinpointed an exact motive for the crime, although the suspect's boyfriend formerly dated the victim.

After Sims' arrest she was held in lieu of $20,000 bond on a misdemeanor complaint of illegal dissection, according to jail records obtained by Tusla World.