Rayvon Owen held off elimination through four consecutive Twitter saves and the viewers' vote last week to join the Top 4. But Owen reached the end of the line last night and was eliminated before reaching the final three.

The Virginia native gave some of best performances last night (the judges even crowned him the winner in the second round of songs), but America had already voted to send Owen home.

"Rayvon could've been a contender but he peeked a little too late in the competition," mentor Scott Borchetta told Headlines & Global News.

Borchetta continued, "I did tell him I was so proud of the way he handled the competition. He handled every week with grace and never complained. It's impossible not to like him. He's such a wonderful guy."

Following his exit, Owen rushed off the stage to find his mother in the audience and the two exchanged a long, emotional embrace.

As he accepted his fate, the young performer emerged with head held and feeling triumphant. He then sat down for an exclusive one-on-one interview with Headlines & Global News.

Headlines & Global News: You came so close, how are you feeling?

Rayvon Owen: I'm feeling great, honestly I am.

HNGN: You have so much to be proud of in this competition.

RO: I know and initially I was kind of bummed, but when I look back at the journey I've had on the show and the growth I've had, all that far outweighs coming in fourth place.

HNGN: You will forever be remembered as the 'American Idol' comeback kid.

RO: Yes I will forever be that. I feel like a winner and I have my own title [laughs], that's extremely valuable to me.

HNGN: The judges also named you the winner for round two of performances. How was it to receive that honor?

RO: That was incredible, I feel extremely accomplished and there's so much I've gained in this competition and even just with tonight's episode seeing the judges label me as the winner of a round - that was really cool.

HNGN: How emotional was your trip home to Richmond, Va.?

RO: I was getting choked up on stage watching that package and I was choked up while I was there. It was shocking, my gosh, driving up to my concert and all those people were there. It was raining and they still were there and not caring. These are the people that believed in me and still support me. It shocked me. I don't get shocked by too much but I was in shock. It was like a dream come true. This is what I'd hoped for as a kid growing up and it's here. This is also only the beginning. I feel I have so much more to offer. I can't wait to get out there and do it.

HNGN: Did getting the immediate reaction from the folks at home make you feel confident that people will be waiting for you out in the real world?

RO: Oh yes, it did and gave me a push to want to pursue this for a lifetime and make it a career. And to share my story with the people that believe in me. It was really inspiring that I inspired them.

HNGN: What's next for you?

RO: I really feel like this is just chapter two of the book I'm writing - the Book of Rayvon. What a crazy journey I've had in front of America, for the fans of music and the show. It's going to be cool to go on tour, after the amazing finale. I'm really excited about that. I was writing before this and released an EP that's available for download on iTunes and Spotify called Cycles so check it out for a taste of what's to come. I feel the next record will be even more vulnerable. I have so much experience to write from just being on the show. I really want to be able to write and perform and do my own tour around the country and the world. So many people have watched me grow and I feel they want to see me come back and see more.

HNGN: Is there anything else on your to-do list?

RO: I'd love to do some acting, that's another passion of mine. I want that audition for 'Empire' that would be amazing. I want my little J-Hud moment like she did and I love that show. I really like fashion and would love to be able to design my own hats.

HNGN: It's hard to miss the show already when you'll be back at work tomorrow, right?

RO: Yeah, I start rehearsals for the finale tomorrow, so I get no rest [laughs]. But I think the thing I'm taking most from the show is the relationships that I've built with the contestants, the fans and the people that we work with, just what I've learned from them. You never know how all of that translates into other aspects of your career.

Before this competition I was never the kind of guy to tell you all of my business, but I feel it's important that people know you have a story and I have a gift to be able to move people with a story. So why not use what's moved me and made me Rayvon [as a way] to inspire someone else. I came in as a great singer and musician but I'm leaving as an artist.

HNGN: And you got such positive comments from the judges tonight?

RO: That was an amazing sendoff, just incredible, so I have no complaints. This has been a blessed experience and is just the beginning.

The "American Idol" Top 3 will compete for the final two spots in a special Tuesday edition starting at 9 p.m. on Fox. The two-hour finale will air the next night starting at 8 p.m.