STAR Labs and "Team Flash" coconspirator Caitlin Snow will be cooling off in the coming episodes. Actress Danielle Panabaker, who plays Snow, said recently in a Reddit AMA that her character will eventually become Killer Frost on the show, according to

Panabaker wrote, "From the beginning, I knew that Caitlin Snow becomes Killer Frost. And I can't wait to suit up and duke it out with the boys!" The actress did not provide a timetable for when her character who assume the icy mantle, but she did say to "watch the season finale" for clues.

That means Snow could undergo some type of metamorphosis in the episode that leads to Killer Frost appearing center stage in season two. Panabraker confirmed that the production team for "The Flash" had already created a costume for her.

Killer Frost is an infamous super villain from the DC comics. While we didn't get any hints about her character as of yet, she did say that a wedding in next week's episode will be "Fun. Cold. Emotional."