In in attempt to mend relations between police and citizens, New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton is spearheading a rather controversial plan that would let more than a million criminals in the city off the hook.

According to CBS, Bratton is "exploring" granting amnesty to criminals with "open warrants for low-level offenses." The initiative began with Bratton saying the penalties for smoking marijuana are too harsh in the state. He is now expanding that thought to all low-level offenders, which totals about 1.2 million people.

Specifically, low-level offenders include "people who run the risk of being arrested for failing to resolve tickets for drinking in public, disorderly conduct and the like," CBS reported.

Besides attempting to help the public opinion of police, the move, in a way, would justify the lack of importance petty crimes have on the NYPD. After all, 40 percent people who were ticketed for low-level offenses either skipped the proceedings or didn't show up, CBS reported.

Members of the City Council, who see police-community relations as a serious issue, told CBS that amnesty should seriously be considered.

"I think it would be a very delicate conversation where we want to find the right balance," Council Public Safety Chair Vanessa Gibson said. "We also want all New Yorkers to respect the laws we have on the books because laws are meant to be implemented. They're meant to be enforced."

Contrarily, former police officer and current professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice Jon Shane said there's a chance crime would increase if a large amnesty was granted..

"You always have to be answerable for your behavior and unchecked behavior, we know, leads to larger things and those things manifest themselves in violent crime and property crime, like auto theft and burglary, and things like that," Shane said.

A spokesperson for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told CBS that drug crimes "probably should not be forgiven"

Despite publicly expressing his interest in granting the amnesty, Bratton has also stated his does not know if it is even possible, according to CBS.