Today has been a great day for "Star Wars" rumors. Specifically, "Star Wars" spinoffs have been the hot topic, starting with the Anthology films (young Boba Fett and Han Solo? Origin story for Yoda?) and continuing with this most recent rumor from Schmoes Knows.

According to the website, Disney and Lucasfilm are in talks with actor Ewan McGregor to return to the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi in an all new film trilogy. McGregor followed in the footsteps of Sir Alec Guinness, who is the only actor to receive an Academy Award nomination for portraying a "Star Wars" character.

This is the second time a rumor along these lines has made the rounds, lending it a bit more credence, though it is still unconfirmed at this point.

"Word around the halls is that Disney is in negotiations with Ewan McGregor for an unknown project," Liam Gaughan wrote. "But from a source commenting on some of the more interesting conversations happening behind closed doors, it's for McGregor to once again transform into the venerable Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"This is nothing new as far as rumors are concerned. The mill has been churning in regards to a stand-alone Obi-Wan story for a while now...In fact, many people and colleagues have been hearing rumblings of Obi-Wan not being done in the Star Wars Universe. And now, according to this source, Disney has been courting Ewan McGregor 'not to be a force ghost, but for a post-Episode III Kenobi." They go on to add they've heard from multiple people that Disney wants an Obi-Wan Kenobi TRILOGY of films, outside of the Anthology series."

Could this move oversaturate the "Star Wars" market? Fans will be getting at least one new trilogy film or one new Anthology film every year over the next five. Do we really need or want to add another, especially given the sour taste left by the underwhelming prequels?

"Star Wars" fans, let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.