Washington Redskins star Robert Griffin III and coach Mike Shanahan continued to butt heads on Monday over the quarterback's return date. After the ultra-competitive Griffin seemingly used the media to push for an early return, Shanahan told reporters hours later that there was "no possibility" of Griffin returning for the preseason, USA Today Sports reports.

"Our game plan is to play him Week 1," Shanahan said, via USA Today Sports. "But if there's a setback, we might not be able to play him Week 1. Maybe not 'til Week 5 or Week 6. ... If there's no setbacks, he'll be ready. He's going to have to trust me there."

After hearing the backlash all offseason for letting a limping Griffin remain in the playoff game against the Seattle Seahawks, where he ultimately tore his ACL, Shanahan is understandably cautious about Griffin's health.

"I could (have brought) Robert back three weeks ago," Shanahan said. "We could be sitting here right now, him practicing three or three weeks ago and all of a sudden something happens with that ACL and we're sitting here saying, 'Well, we should've waited an extra week or two.'

Shanahan added: "(My) job is to make sure we do the best thing for Robert. ... Not to necessarily to do what he likes, but to do what's the best thing for him and this organization."

Griffin admitted he disliked Shanahan's plan to slowly integrate him back into football. He's been practicing in 7-on-7 drills, but has yet to participate in the full 11-on-11s. Griffin said he's ready to go for Tuesday, although Shanahan countered and said Griffin won't play in the 11-on-11s until Wednesday and would be only a few reps.

As for preseason, Griffin sounded hopeful before Shanahan spoke with reporters.

"Coach has been saying if things go great these next couple days and next week, then maybe," Griffin said on Monday, according to NFL.com. "But it's a hard no right now. It's my job to make it a soft no and possibly a yes."

Griffin has said there isn't any friction between himself and Shanahan. One can't help but wonder, however, if Shanahan feels Griffin is going behind his back by seemingly using the media to lobby for an earlier return date.