A new study for discount website VoucherCodesPro has found that men who drive blue BMWs are more aggressive when behind the wheels than those who drive other colors and models.

Road rage is a common way of expressing anger while driving. Several countries, including the United States have declared laws against aggressive driving. In 2007, a study declared that America had the maximum number of road rage incidents. The latest study for VoucherCodesPro has gone a step further and found that drivers of blue BMWs are the most aggressive compared to other cars.

The study categorized road-ragers based on their age, type of vehicle they drive, the color and the time when the drivers are most aggressive. Researchers interviewed 2,837 drivers aged 18 and above. Based on their findings, men driving BMWs were found most aggressive compared to any other model and blue was rated the top color of cars for worst road rage drivers. Researchers found that the peak time for drivers to get the most aggressive is 5:45 p.m. on a Friday followed by a Monday morning travel.

"During peak periods of traffic, whether it be the Monday morning school run or the hectic rush hour on a Friday evening, it is all too easy to allow the common manifestations of road rage to get the better of us as motorists," George Charles of VoucherCodesPro said, according to Daily Mail UK. "This research, although slightly humorous in some of its findings, does indicate an important point."

During the interview, motorists were asked to choose the make and color of a car, which showed the maximum aggression on the roads in their experience. While the blue BMWs took the first place, Land Rovers, Audis, Subarus and Vauxhalls led the top five positions, respectively. In colors, black and silver were noted the second and third most common colors with worst road rage incidents while green and red trailed. Men aged between 35 and 50 years , driving blue BMWs were the main culprits, the study noted.

"Road rage is not something to be taken lightly and these results show that many motorists need to remind themselves that sometimes losing your temper whilst driving can result in serious altercations, assaults, and collisions that cause injuries or worse," Charles added.

The study noted that drivers often expressed their anger by shouting, swearing, showing obscene gestures and driving recklessly. Men often lost their temper while driving compared to women (seven vs. three times a month).