Hillary Clinton Joins Instagram, Shares Pantsuit Joke

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton opened an Instagram account Wednesday, showing her willingness to share to the Internet.

Clinton joins over 300 million active users of Instagram, garnering followers right after she activated her account.

Her first post featured a rack of red, white and blue pantsuits, which is her fashion trademark. It was captioned with the title of her memoir in 2014, "Hard choices." The post received 16,500 likes and was shared over 4,000 times.

A few hours after her first post, Clinton already had more followers than her rivals for presidency, who include Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.).

She also surpassed the 27,000 followers of Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and more than 15,000 followers of retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

Clinton currently has three posts on her Instagram with around 80,200 followers, a number that is expected to grow.

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