Rob Gronkowski to Compete on 'Celebrity Family Feud'! (VIDEO)

New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski is set to compete on “Celebrity Family Feud” on June 21 with his brothers as teammates, but a preview is available in the meantime.

“Something that can be inflated or deflated,” Family Feud host, and in this case "Celebrity Family Feud" host, Steve Harvey asks “The Gronk” and another contestant. “The Gronk” then hits his buzzer and is about to answer until he thinks twice about uttering any guesses and says “I don’t even want this one.”

“That’s a smart man,” Harvey then says after the “The Gronk’s” answer on the show, which will air at 8 p.m. on ABC on June 21.

The question stems from a scandal that arose following the New England Patriots' 45- 7 AFC Championship victory on Jan. 18, when Indianapolis Colts linebacker D’Qwell Jackson brought one of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady’s throws he intercepted over to some Colts employees to retain as a keepsake during the game’s second quarter, according to CBS Sports. The employees then reportedly notified Colts head coach Chuck Pagano about the ball not being aired up to NFL standards.

Colts players and workers then informed Colts general manager Ryan Grigson of the situation, who subsequently let the NFL’s director of football operations, Mike Kensil, know about the possible bend in the rules.

The NFL investigated the case, and Brady was suspended for the first four games of the Patriots' upcoming season following the release of attorney Ted Wells’ report, a ruling Brady plans to appeal, NBC News reported

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Rob gronkowski, Family Feud, New england patriots, Indianapolis Colts, Deflategate
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