Dog-Lion Fraud Exposed At Chinese Zoo; Pup Dressed As 'African Lion' Angers Park-Goers (VIDEO)

If it looks like a lion, barks like a lion then it must be a dog? Multiple reports exposed a Chinese zoo's fraud when they used a dog to substitute for an African Lion.

The zoo is located in "People's Park of Luohe, in the central province of Henan, replaced exotic exhibits with common species," the AFP reports.

"The zoo is absolutely cheating us," Liu, a customer who was charged 15 yuan ($2.45) for the ticket, told Beijing Youth Daily. "They are trying to disguise the dogs as lions."

Three other species were reportedly exposed as being shown incorrectly, according to AFP: "two coypu rodents in a snake's cage, a white fox in a leopard's den, and another dog in a wolf pen."

The dog dressed as an "African Lion" was a Tibetan mastiff belonging to a park empolyee. It was exposed when the so-called lion began barking.

"This is not funny at all. It's sad for both the zoo and the animals," a customer told AFP. "They should at least use a husky to pretend to be a wolf," another added.

According to Beijing Youth Daily, the chief of the park's animal department, Liu Suya confirmed the park has a lion, but it was taken to a breeding facility.

The Telegraph UK reports there no official explanation for the "change of exhibits." Yu Hua, a spokesman for the People's Park "said that the zoo had been run by a private businessman for several years, at an annual rent of 100,000 yuan (£11,000)."

"Many Chinese zoos have struggled to make money in recent years, after a government ruling that animal shows should cease and that they should operate on a non-profit basis," the Telegraph reports.

Still, the dog-lion situation is glaringly odd. What do you think about the Chinese zoo's fraud? Leave a comment below.

*Edits were made to this article.