
Americans Blame Pharmaceutical Companies For High Drug Prices, Survey Says

A new survey has revealed that many Americans blame drug companies for giving them a hard time to pay for their medicines due to high prices.

When asked if the prices of prescription drugs were reasonable or unreasonable, nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of the respondents said the latter, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation's Tracking Poll.

Respondents who are currently taking prescription drugs (74 percent) and those who are not (72 percent) also hold this sentiment.

Another 76 percent of the respondents say that the prices are unreasonable because pharmaceutical companies have set them too high. Only 10 percent say it is unreasonable because they are required to pay too much by some health insurance companies.

Of the 50 percent of respondents who said they are currently taking prescription drugs, 76 percent said they have found it easy to buy prescription drugs for themselves, while 21 percent of them say they find it very difficult.

Additionally, 25 percent of the respondents have admitted that they often reduce their intake or dosage in order to be able to spare themselves from spending too much on medications, to the point of even skipping necessary medications so that the supply of medications last longer, according to the Fiscal Times.

News, U.S., Health, Community, Prescription drugs, Medications, Survey
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