Man Claims He Got Fried Breaded Rat from KFC

A California is claiming that a KFC in Watts served him a fried rat instead of chicken.

Devorise Dixon said that the breaded chicken breast has a "tail" and a weird shape. Upon inspecting it, he allegedly discovered that it was actually a rat.

Dixon took photos of it and shared it on Facebook, saying "It's time for a lawyer," then sealed the meat and put it in his freezer. Days later, he returned to the manager and complained.

"As I bit into it I noticed that it was very hard and rubbery which made me look at it," Dixon said, according to Opposing Views. "As I looked down at it, I noticed that it was in a shape of a rat with a tail."

A KFC spokesperson said that based on their investigation, there was no evidence to support Dixon's claim, The Huffington Post reported.

"Food safety is our highest priority worldwide and we take allegations of this nature extremely seriously," the spokesperson added.

KFC said in a statement that it made numerous attempts to reach the customer but he is uncooperative.

The photo Dixon posted has over 120K shares. Some users have suggested that the piece of chicken was merely rat-shaped and that the supposed rat tail was a fried chicken skin. Many users stressed that to determine if it is a rat, the meat could simply be cut open.
