A video of former Spokane NAACP President Rachel Dolezal speaking at a Freddie Gray rally in Baltimore has surfaced.
Uploaded by YouTube user TheRealAPOLLOS on June 13, the video shows Dolezal explaining the death of Lorenzo Hayes to a group of Baltimore protesters. Hayes died in police custody under similar circumstances that Gray did, according to Western Journalism.
Dolezal points out the similarities and tells the crowd that police brutality is "something that is affecting us nationwide, and if there is no justice, there will be no peace." The video ends with Dolezal starting a "No justice, no peace. No racist police" chant.
Dolezal met with Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby, who has become a household name due to the national prominence of the case, at some point last month, presumably when she attended the protest.
Spokane NAACP President Dolezal meeting up with Marilyn Mosby, who will be attending the #NAACP2015AnnualConvention pic.twitter.com/e5V6tV3EmH
— Spokane NAACP (@SpokaneNAACP) May 22, 2015
The exact date of when the rally took place is unknown, but the photos of Dolezal and Mosby were posted to the official Spokane NAACP Twitter account on May 22.
Dolezal resigned from her position with the NAACP's Spokane chapter after controversy related to her race made national headlines.
Watch the video of Dolezal at the protest below.