Weightlifter Pregnant with Twins Continues Exercise Routine at 26 Weeks

Sophie Guidolin, a personal trainer who is 26 weeks pregnant with twin girls continues exercising and weight lifting.

Guidolin was allowed by her doctor to continue her usual exercise routine but she takes extra precaution with the supervision of her husband. She is also lifting 50 percent of what she normally lifts and taking longer rest breaks.

The recent photo she posted online, showing her lifting a 65 lbs (30kg) drew strong criticizism but she says that "it all comes down to what's heavy for the individual and what they could lift prior to pregnancy."

"There are so many myths and so much fear behind working out while pregnant. I get it, I've had a miscarriage before and it's horrible. I wouldn't wish it upon anybody, she told the Daily Mail. "There were people saying I'm going to have a prolapse, but it's no different than if I bent down to pick up a pencil or the groceries."

"Miscarriage can be caused by so many things, but people associate it with exercise. The pros of exercising during pregnancy definitely outweigh the cons. I really hope pregnant women understand the benefits of exercising and a healthy lifestyle while pregnant." she added.
