KISS Football: Members of Legendary Rock Band Bring New Team to L.A.; Season Tickets include Free Concert

Members of the legendary rock band “KISS” are bringing an Arena Football League team to Los Angeles, according to

Band members Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are a part of a group that now own the expansion team named the LA Kiss.

"As a fast-paced, high-action band, this partnership with the AFL was an obvious fit for us," Simmons, the band leader, said through a statement. "Attending an LA KISS game in 2014 will be similar to a live KISS show, with thrilling, heart-pounding action."

As an incentive, any person who buys a season ticket ($99) will get to attend a KISS concert free of charge.

Unfortunately for LA fans of the National Football League, their wait for an NFL team continues. However, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones recently said a team could be on its way to Hollywood.

"I feel more imminent about a team being in here, that it's more imminent than any time since we haven't had a team in Los Angeles," Jones, a native of California told the NFL Network in July. "And yes, this market is a huge market, it's a little bit of a black eye for all of us to have had this many years and not had an NFL team in Los Angeles.

"The owners don't mess much up ... but we haven't gotten this one right,” he continued. “There's people, there's locations, there are people that are interested, a lot of people that can help us put this thing together. And as it turns out that we have at least two teams ... that could move to this area."

Jones added that if a team were to move to L.A., it would be a current team and not one created through expansion.

The L.A. Kiss will play their games at the Honda Center in Anaheim.