
BBC Develops Technology That Allows Users To Control Television With Their Minds

The evolution of how we control our TVs is a relatively short but fascinating one. Once upon a time we actually used knobs to control our TVs! Soon we'll be able to use our minds. Yes, you read correctly, our minds. The BBC has recently developed technology that allows people to control iPlayer with their minds, according to The Independent.

"The kit is in its developmental stage but it's worked for everyone that's used it for testing," the BBC stated.

Despite the seemingly extraordinary use, the kit is both simple in implementation and design. The kit has users strap a headset on and use specific thoughts to turn on iPlayer to start watching a program. Furthermore, the prototype works by reading brainwaves using a sensor that rests on the forehead and another that attaches to the ear using a clip. The sensors would then track the electricity as it moves around in your brain, looking for the user's concentration and filling up a "bar of brainwaves" when the user concentrates hard enough to trigger a change of screen.

The technology would eventually be used to create a new type of iPlayer that could help improve accessibility for disabled users. This technology isn't entirely new either; in February, technology firm Tekever showed how a drone could be controlled remotely using your mind alone.

There might be an inherent flaw with this design, though: What happens if the user is bored, i.e. a lack of concentration? For all intents and purposes this should signify a need to change the channel as well, but it might not do so. Will it? Only the future can tell.

Mind control, Television, BBC, Technology, Tech, Brain
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