Scott Baio's Wife's Brain Tumor: She 'Refuses to Even Shed One Tear'

Scott Baio's wife Renee Baio, 46, has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.

The 54-year-old "Happy Days" star revealed the devastating news via Facebook on Tuesday morning.

"Just a few days ago we learned my wife, Renee, has a meningioma brain tumor," the post read. "Although 90% of these type of tumors are benign they can cause serious problems depending on the size of the rumor and the location. We are waiting to learn the exact location to see if it's operable."

He then went on to praise his wife's positive attitude.

"Renee has been down some rough roads in her life," he continued. "Yet each time with her strong faith in God, she comes through a better and stronger person. During this time we ask for your prayers and support. My wife is my rock. She refuses to even shed one tear, nor will she question God's will. Renee, Bailey and I will get through this."

He then explained how they want to educate people on these issues and encourage them to get checked because "6,500 people each year, mostly women get these tumors."

The day before he revealed the news, he wrote another post that hinted there may be something wrong.

"Sometimes God throws you a curve ball," it read. "If any extra prayers, give them to @MrsScottBaio Thanks."

He also took to Twitter to thank his followers for all the love they were sending their way.

"Thank you for the prayers & support for my wife #meningiomabraintumor," the tweet read.

The two have a 7-year-old daughter, Bailey DeLuca, according to Us Weekly. After she was born, they learned that she tested positive for glutaric academia type 1, which is a rare metabolic disorder. Thankfully, after two months of intensive testing, she was able to get rid of the disorder.

We will keep you updated on Renee's progress as she fights through this tough time.

Brain tumor, Diagnosis, Facebook
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