
Church Sign Connects Satan To Equal Rights, Angers Residents (VIDEO)

Outside Taylor Road Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Va. is a message that reads: "Remember, Satan was the first to demand equal rights," leaving people doing a double-take when they pass by.

The connection that the sign appears to make between Satan and equal rights has left many people stunned, and even feeling enraged.

"When I drove by it, I wasn't sure I read it right. So I did a U-turn," a local named Terri Young told WTVR-TV, adding that she was angry after she saw the sign.

Mel Kunkle, The pastor at the church, stated that the message isn't targeting any one specific group, adding that the marquee is referencing Satan's attempt to be equal to God. However, he declined to be interviewed and only left a few comments for WTVR-TV. His simple intention was to make people think.

The referenced Bible passage, Isaiah 14:12-17, depicts the origin story behind Satan, where the angel Lucifer trying to take dominion away from God is cast down to hell as a result.

Unfortunately for the pastor, many residents have been so confused by the marquee that they have no idea what to think. Many residents are unsure of what kind of rights the marquee may be refering to.

Young also questioned the message it might send to youths who pass by. "I mean, what is that teaching children then? It's not okay to ask for equal rights? If you do, and someone else thinks you shouldn't have them. That you equal Satan? I don't get it," she said.

Controversial or not, it certainly is making the community think.

Religion, Church, Satan, Equal rights, Human rights, Gay rights, Civil rights
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