"Jurassic World" has been topping every other movie at the box office worldwide in the last few weeks. It has become such a certified hit that zookeepers everywhere have come together to make the #JurassicZoo meme go viral.
In the movie, there's a scene showing Chris Pratt, the lead star, training three velociraptors so that they do not attack the people inside the complex. Zookeepers thought it would be fun to recreate this.
The post that started it all was first spotted on Tumblr, according to The Guardian. A user named Talia, who hails from Brisbane, Australia, shared a photo of her friend and captioned this with, "My bestie is a zoo keeper, and she told me that because of Jurassic World it has become a craze in the keeper community (!) to re-enact Chris Pratt," Talia shared.
True enough, other zookeepers followed Talia's lead and soon, social media was overrun with the #JurassicZoo meme over the weekend. The keepers got a lot of help from different zoo animals as well.
A Taronga Zookeeper posted a re-enactment with quokkas, otherwise known as short-tailed wallabies.
There’s nothing harder than getting 3 Quokkas to cooperate! #JurassicZoo #ZoorassicWorld https://t.co/9sZfuMIBRu pic.twitter.com/RgqKlWTVT0
— Taronga Zoo (@tarongazoo) June 18, 2015
Aukland Zoo did theirs with pigs and pigeons and it was adorable!
. @woodlandparkzoo @michelledeidre Love your penguins! Here are our pig and pigeon #JurassicZoo keepers. pic.twitter.com/5NW4vxD3cd — Auckland Zoo (@aucklandzoo) June 18, 2015
Here’s a whartog from the Wellmanator.
Woah there pigs. #jurassiczookeeper pic.twitter.com/KiSUuNMXpK
— Catherine Wellman (@Wellmanator) June 18, 2015
Lion Country Safari in Florida re-enacted the scene with some fierce-looking rhinos…
We are recreating Chris Pratt's raptor control from #JurassicWorld - with our Southern White Rhinos! pic.twitter.com/ntnm1UsibJ — Lion Country Safari (@LionCountry) June 17, 2015
Then again, maybe they're not so fierce-looking. One of them couldn’t be bothered, as it looks like she was having lunch.
The Georgian Aquarium had help from these otters, who probably had no idea what they're doing, or that they look absolute adorable while doing it.
Who needs #RaptorSquad when you have Veloci-otters? #OtterSquad #JurassicZoo pic.twitter.com/M0zr7BvI9I
— Georgia Aquarium (@GeorgiaAquarium) June 17, 2015
And plenty of zoos did their meme with penguins.
Holding the Penguins back #JurassicWorld style! #jurassiczookeeper #jurassiczoo #ZoorassicWorld pic.twitter.com/i3I1lG8s8B — Sarah Perata (@SarahPerata) June 18, 2015
Clever girls. The #JurassicWorld @prattprattpratt-challenge finally gets fierce. @NerdistDotCom @michelledeidre pic.twitter.com/glT6LJhDxm
— CA AcademyOfSciences (@calacademy) June 17, 2015
Be it penguins or velociraptors, zookeeping is hard work. #JurassicWorld #Prattkeeping #RaptorSquad #CleverGirls pic.twitter.com/dB0XJdgIlv — Woodland Park Zoo (@woodlandparkzoo) June 17, 2015
One guy in the United Kingdom decided to do the scene with...mighty chickens!
Four more days #JurassicWorld @prattprattpratt pic.twitter.com/dBOT8qLzSQ
— Jason Smyth (@slayer1551) June 7, 2015
The star of the movie was very much amused by the #JurassicZoo meme. Pratt wrote on his Twitter, “This is absolutely awesome! #ZoorassicWorld.”
The film continues to rip through box office records weeks after its debut.