Rep. Devin Nunes: U.S. At The Highest Threat Level Ever Faced

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes revealed alarming information this week on CBS's "Face the Nation," stating that the level of threat for a potential terrorist attack in the United States is at its highest.

Nunes, who has publicly criticized Obama's security policies, said the threat is coming from the radicalization of young individuals and foreign fighters joining terrorist organizations such as ISIS, reported CBS.

"There are a couple reasons why," Nunes said, according to the Examiner. . "One is the flow from Europe and other western countries like the United States to fight in Iraq and Syria who have now come out. We don't know all the people who went in, nor do we know the people who have been back who are now on the streets in the United States. The FBI director says there are cases open in 50 states."

He then goes on to talk about the heavy online presence of terrorist groups and their ability to enlist new recruits using the Internet.

"Second, probably more important fact is, that on the Internet young people are being radicalized and are here in the United States," Nunes commented. "You saw the attack in Boston and in Texas. And when you begin to go into encrypted chat rooms, to where even investigations do no good. It is critical that the American people, when they see something that looks suspicious, they need to get it to the proper authorities. Because we are having a tough time tracking terrorists within the United States."

Nunes said Americans need to be extremely vigilant with July 4 just around the corner, stressing that there will be large gatherings across the country, according to CBS News.

News, U.S., United States, ISIS, Threat, Islamic State, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Terrorist organization, Terrorists, Terrorist group, Terrorist attack, Terrorist Attacks, America, Militants, Islamic militants, Iraq, Syria, Americans