Lexus Unveils Hoverboard Prototype

Lexus is going back to the future, but not in a Delorean.

Toyota's luxury car branch announced in a video released on Monday that they have completed the prototype version of a hoverboard. According to the company's webiste, the gadget, which looks like a skateboard, is called Slide and uses liquid nitrogen-cooled superconductors and magnets to hover.

The top of Slide is engraved with the Lexus logo and finished with natural bamboo. In the video, the hoverboard is pictured alone, without anyone riding it. A Lexus spokesperson told Daily Mail that even though nobody is seen riding the hoverboard in the video, it is designed to carry someone thanks to electomagnetic technology.

This is just the beginning Lexus' plans to create futuristic items for consumers to travel in. The company is working on a flying car as well, according to Bloomberg.

"It's very confidential information but we have been studying the flying car in our most advanced R&D area," Hiroyoshi Yoshiki, a managing officer in Toyota's Technical Administration Group, said last June. "Flying car means the car is just a little bit away from the road, so it doesn't have any friction or resistance from the road."

Lexus has not announced how much Slide will cost or when it will be available to the public, but Bloomberg reports that more information on the hoverboard will be released at a Lexus event set for Oct. 21, 2015, the same date Doc, Marty McFly and Jennifer travel back in time in "Back To The Future."

Check out the announcement video below.

Hoverboard, Lexus, Technology, Business, Toyota
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