Happiness And Headbanging: Study Equates Heavy Metal To A Hug

Having a bad day? Need a hug. We've got the solution for you. Just hit play.

Feeling warm and fuzzy yet?

A study by researchers at the University of Queensland has revealed that extreme music - like heavy metal - "can positively influence those experiencing anger," according to a press release.

Previous studies have linked loud music to aggression and delinquency, but UQ's School of Psychology honors student Leah Sharman and professor Genevieve Dingle showed listeners mostly became inspired and calmed when listening to something that rocks. "We found the music regulated sadness and enhanced positive emotions," Sharman said."When experiencing anger, extreme music fans liked to listen to music that could match their anger.

"The music helped them explore the full gamut of emotion they felt, but also left them feeling more active and inspired. Results showed levels of hostility, irritability and stress decreased after music was introduced, and the most significant change reported was the level of inspiration they felt."

The study was published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Happiness, Hug, Love, Heavy Metal, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, Therapy, Anger management, Psychology, Personality, Music, Emotions