Ted Cruz: Washington Operates Like A Corrupt Cartel At Expense Of Americans

In a speech to the Heritage Foundation on Wednesday, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas laid out the populist message he plans to take around the country in 2016, denouncing U.S. banks, lobbyists and lawmakers from both parties for being part of the "Washington Cartel" that benefits from big government at the expense of Americans.

"Lobbyists and career politicians today make up what I call the Washington Cartel," he said, according to Fortune. "And it operates much like other cartels. It operates like OPEC. I don't know, like sheikhs, if they actually wear robes. But they nonetheless on a daily basis are conspiring against the American people."

Cruz faulted a number of interests: Big banks, "GM and Chrysler and its suppliers," "union bosses," "fat cat insurers," "rich yuppies" buying Teslas, Enron, Solyndra, Air India and other beneficiaries of the Ex-Im bank, wind energy sellers, sugar producers, corn growers and big box retailers.

"This seems to be an all too common trend in Washington that whatever is happening, corrupt backroom deals dominate the end product," he said, specifically referring to the secrecy surrounding President Barack Obama's free trade agenda, reports Breitbart. "The Washington cartel has amassed more and more power at the expense of the American taxpayer with the same recipe repeated over and over again."

Cruz told the audience he has been vilified by Democrats and Republicans alike, as well as the media, for going against congressional leaders on various issues like trade and raising the debt ceiling, reported Newsmax.

"Washington is looking for solutions for Washington - not solutions that empower citizens across the nation to succeed," he added. "Instead Washington solutions invariably help the rich and well-connected."

Cruz has yet to release his economic plan as some of his GOP rivals have, though he was the first major presidential candidate to launch his campaign in March. Last week, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky proposed to scrap the entire tax system and replace it with a 14.5 percent flat tax that he says would supercharge the economy, according the Washington Times.

Cruz then took to criticizing House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and his leadership team for how they handled recent trade negotiations.

"Just this week we saw a shameful example of this, as House leadership threw Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., out of his chairmanship because of his principled objection to TPA," Cruz said, according to Breitbart. "Just this morning news broke that leadership is now seeking to strip Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., another conservative in the House - of his leadership position. Why is it that Republican leadership always always always cut deals with the Democrats and with Washington and throws overboard the conservatives that come October and November an election year they are desperately asking to turn out and elect them in power?"

He said he opposes re-authorization of the Export-Import Bank, which "is essentially welfare for big corporations, both foreign and domestic. Do nothing, let it expire, and end the gravy train for Washington lobbyists," reported The Associated Press.

Sugar subsidies need to end, he said, noting that bakers and restaurants are forced to pay more for sugar to undercut competition. He also address an Internet sales tax and said the Internet should remain free and out of government control. Cruz called for an end to all energy tax credits as well, as he says they raise the cost for American families and job creators, reports Breitbart.

"This freedom thing is very, very scary for Washington," Cruz added. "It is time to break the Washington Cartel. Americans across this country rise up. The rich and well-connected keep getting more and more favors at the behest of hard working Americans and we've got to stop this."

Ted Cruz, Texas, Republican, GOP, Americans