Matt Cage Comes Out: Pro Wrestler Says ‘I Truly Have Nothing To Hide Anymore’

Professional wrestler Matt "Money" Cage has come out of the closet. The 26-year-old broke the news on his Facebook page, saying he is tired of all the rumors circling around him.

"I truly have nothing to hide anymore," Cage writes in the candid message, according to the New York Daily News. "I spent my entire life lying, hiding and depressed because I felt like I couldn't truly be who I wanted to be and live freely as I saw fit."

The independent pro wrestler says that he has been scared of rejection his whole life, but he is not sure why.

"I was never the most popular kid in school or in my neighborhood, but I always had a plethora of friends in many different cliques," he says. "I was never really rejected by anyone that I hung out with in one clique for hanging out with people in another, yet I always feared being rejected. But as I've grown older and continued down the road of adulthood, I have discovered that I truly don't care as much about rejection anymore."

The athlete continues, "My friends will like me for me, flaws and all. My family will love me for me. My peers will respect me for my work. And complete strangers can think whatever they want, because they're strangers and they don't know me."

Cage, whose real name is Matt Hullum, plans to keep his usual approach to wrestling. He wrestles as an independent in alternative leagues, according to the Daily News.

"I hope that the fans, the promoters and everyone else don't change their opinions of me," Cage writes. "I was the same person yesterday as I am right now, just now, I have a bit more weight lifted off of my shoulders."

Wrestling, Gay