‘Star Wars Episode 7’ RUMORS: Daisy Ridley’s Character NOT Related To Luke Skywalker Or Han Solo?

Warning: The following contains possible spoilers for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens"

For the longest time, it's been rumored that Daisy Ridley's character Rey in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is related to either Luke Skywalker or Han Solo. Our money is on the latter, given her character description ("solitary" = solo?), connection to the Millennium Falcon and a host of other rumors. It's all circumstantial evidence but it also makes sense if you connect the dots.

However, it may not be the case. Making Star Wars talked to some trusted sources this week who insisted that Rey is not an original trilogy offspring.

"None of the heroes...the kids...are Solos or Skywalkers. She's [Rey] not a Solo. It would knock me on my knees to learn she is a Solo. VII does not answer that question. It just presents it."

Okay, so it sounds as if "The Force Awakens" may be trying to pull a fast one. Either the film intentionally muddies Rey's parentage or perhaps that aspect isn't important to the story at all, at least for now. We didn't consider Luke's family history to be crucial until the big reveal in "The Empire Strikes Back."

But it would seem strange that so many rumors have cropped up suggesting Rey is, in fact, a Solo or a Skywalker. Connecting her with original trilogy characters would enable the new films to continue to explore the family dynamics that made the previous movies so interesting. It can also set up new dramatic stakes with significant implications if, say, Rey was related to someone on the Dark Side.

"We have not seen anything to make us think the girl is the daughter...yet," the source concluded.

What do you think "Star Wars" fans? Is Rey related to Han or Luke? Let us know in the comments section below.

Star wars, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Episode VII, Daisy ridley, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo
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