IPCC Warns Against Drawing Conclusions on Leaked UN Draft: '95 Percent Global Warming Caused by Humans' Report is Guaranteed to Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned not to draw conclusions on the leaked U.N draft circulating the web since Sunday. The draft highlighted that 95 percent of global warming is caused by human activities.

The final 'non-publicized' draft is waiting for its Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) on climate change scheduled on September 26, 2013 focusing on the Physical Science Basis. The second part which will talk about impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability is on March 2014. Then the last leg of the trio report which will discuss about the mitigation of climate change is on April 2014. Once finalized, the complete report will be released on October 2014.

The IPCC believes that the leak may have happened during the compilation process. The papers were distributed to 800 scientists, 195 governments, and 100 non-governmental organizations.

Latest update from the leaked draft pinpoints our use of fossil fuels dubbed as "human activities" as the main cause of global warming which is equivalent to 95 percent.

The New Mexico Oil and Gas Association listed on its website that fossil fuels are used to fuel cars, airplanes, power electricity plants, and heat our homes. It is also used to produce cosmetics, lubricants, medicines, plastics, and synthetic fabrics. Basically all the machineries that need oil and gas to run which produce products for man's use are included.

Aside from confirming or invalidating the leaked report, the panel presenting in September will also explain why global temperatures have risen slowly beginning 1998. The leaked draft said that it may be caused by the carbon dioxide being less sensitive.

"It is guaranteed it will change," said Jonathan Lynn, spokesman for the IPCC, to BBC News. "In September the scientists will go through the 15 page summary for policymakers, line by line."

"We've already given it to governments for their thoughts, and we've had 1,800 comments on that 15 page document," he added.

The IPCC clarified that they are not hiding the information from the public but would like to make sure everything is finalized to keep people from making misleading conclusions.

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