Molson And Google Create Voice-Activated Beer Fridge In Honor Of Canada Day

Molson is celebrating Canada's birthday with a high-tech beer refrigerator that you can open with your voice.

This fridge was built with some help from Google and is equipped with the search giant's speech recognition and translation software, allowing it to recognize at least 40 different languages, according to TechCrunch. Users will be able to open the fridge by simply saying "I am Canadian," Molson's top marketing slogan.

However, saying it in one language won't be enough. The technology requires you to say the phrase in six different languages before its door will unlock and let you get your hands on some free beer.

The fridge, built by digital studio ThinkingBox, has appeared in a commercial as part of Molson's campaign in honor of Canada Day, which is celebrated on July 1, SlashGear reported. The Canadian beer maker chose the phrase "I am Canadian" for the invention as a form of patriotism, and the variety of languages is intended to give people from other countries a way to connect to each other.

Molson will have its high-tech fridge available in Toronto for the public to try during the PanAm games, which will take place next month.
