During a combative interview on Fox News' "Hannity," host Sean Hannity and his two guests, Chris Phillips and Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, got into an all-out yelling match over the "Million American March Against Fear," also known as the "Million Muslim March."
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, who frequently appears on Fox News and CNN as a political and religious commentator, butted heads with member of The American Muslim Political Action Committee and march organizaer Chris Phillips over the fact that the AMPAC scheduled their rally for Sept. 11.
Phillips stated that the Committee chose this date to memorialize the day that changed the way non-Muslim Americans looked at Islam for good.
Between Jasser lashing out at Phillips, Phillips struggling to maintain his cool while simultaneously losing it and Hannity stoking the fire, a lot got lost in the hubbub.
Jasser contended that Phillips and the AMPAC should march on the entrance to the Fort Hood trial and stand against the churches being burned by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt to fight radical Islam.
Hannity coaxed Phillips to answer the question of who victimized Muslims multiple times, to which Phillips responded, "Aren't you villainizing them with this broadcast?...These are not radical Islamists, these are innocent Americans practicing their constitutional liberties."
Jasser fired back, yelling that the greatest security threat actually could be found within American borders.
"If you look at the greatest security threat, Chris, to the world, it's radical Muslims from within our house," he stated. "But you think it's appropriate to emphasize our fear in the country that gives us freedom."
Phillips continued, saying that the war on terror has affected the American economy negatively.
"Your self-righteousness about budget doesn't fly," Jasser chuckled derisively. "You're a stooge and a frontman for an organization that is destroying the mission to fight radical Islam around the globe."
According to the organization's website, AMPAC plans to protest racial profiling during the Sept. 11 march in Washington, D.C. The group hopes that all participants will show support in a non-violent manner.
But critics like Jasser insist that the group is "exploiting" the date to gain media attention.
Check out the whole, er, debate on Fox News.