Genetics Linked To How People Respond To Different Food Tastes

Researchers of a new study found that genetics play an important role in sending signals to people's taste receptors, responsible for creating taste preferences.

All individuals have different taste preferences and the food industry sometimes finds it difficult to cater to such large variations. However, the findings of a new study may help them to understand what creates this spectrum so that they can better cater to their customers' preferences.

A recent study conducted by researchers from Penn State University found that genetics play an important role in sending signals to people's taste receptors, responsible for creating taste preferences. For the study, scientists sampled Acesulfame-K (Ace-K), man-made non-nutritive sweetener commonly found in carbonated soft drinks and other products.

"Genetic differences lead to differences in how people respond to tastes of foods," said John Hayes, assistant professor, food science and director of the sensory evaluation center.

While some people find this sweetener sweet, others find it sour and bitter. Through the study, researchers were able to determine that two taste receptors, TAS2R9 and TAS2R31, were responsible for why some people found the sweetener bitter.

"These two taste receptor genes work independently, but they can combine to form a range of responses," said Alissa Allen, doctoral student in food science in a press relase. "Humans have 25 bitter-taste receptors and one sweet receptor that act like locks on gates. When molecules fit certain receptors like keys, a signal is sent to the brain, which interprets these signals as tastes -- some pleasant and some not so pleasant."

In a similar experiment, Allen found that participants who were made to eat two stevia ( a South American sweet plant) extracts, RebA and RebD, reported different levels of bitter taste and this level had nothing to do with whether they found Ace-K bitter or not.

"Our work suggests ingredient suppliers may want to consider commercializing RebD, as it provides similar sweetness to RebA with much less bitterness," said Hayes. "We've known for over 80 years that some people differ in their ability to taste bitterness, but we have only begin to tease apart the molecular basis of these differences in the last decade."

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