2K Sports has made a huge deal about the return of Crew Mode to the “NBA 2K” franchise. It began with a small hint and then was finally released in a full blown commercial.
However, according to PastaPadre.com, crew mode isn’t exactly all the way back and fans aren’t really pleased.
It appears the crew mode for “NBA 2K14” will be solely played on blacktop and include leaderboards.
This leaves a bit to be desired since the Crew modes from “NBA 2K11” and “NBA 2K10” were also played in the arena—which provided real NBA jerseys and the sounds and feelings of playing in front of fans—and included all the standard NBA rules.
It appears this year’s crew mode, although it will be 5-on-5, will be more of a street ball game played to 21 with essentially no rules. The mode will still feature the use of the gamers’ My Player creations.
PastaPadre.com also points out 2K gamers will be upset at the mode’s disappearance on the next-gen versions of “NBA 2K14.” 2K Sports has said Crew Mode will be exclusive to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, leaving out the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
When 2K Sports released its list of features for “NBA 2K14” it did specify the publicized feature list pertained to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 4. This should prompt some anticipation in fans because the new features on the current-gen version of the game—Dribbling Advancements, Depth of Content, A New Shot System—look exceptional. If the “NBA 2K” team provides better features for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, the next-gen version of “NBA 2K14” could be the best videogame of all time.